Saturday, 12 March 2016

My Jonathan Saunders Catwalk Look, Take 2

This is my final, edited Jonathan Saunders catwalk look. I had shot this shoot previously and kept the majority of things the same; however felt some changes had to be made. I made the image a lot more zoomed out because I didn't feel enough of the styling was in the shot and I wanted to see what the makeup and hair would look like with similar styling to Jonathan Saunders' collection. I like that the camera is pointing up slightly at the model because it would realistically be the view point of a catwalk photographer. I also like that the model isn't making eye contact with the photographer because it makes her look like she's walking straight past and focusing on the runway. I made the background lighter in this image because I wanted to reflect the very bright and light background of Jonathan Saunders' catwalk, as it was shot outside. I felt like even though my previous image looked very professional looking, the brighter background was more suitable for the shoot and the darker background was more suitable for Gareth Pugh's catwalk look. I added a light to the side of the model to make it look like other catwalk lights were shining on the model and not just one at the front, making it look more realistic and brightening up the whole image. 

I applied the same products to the neck as I did the face to give the same overall dewy finish; however on camera the skin still looked pretty matte and not as glowy as the face. I therefore applied Vaseline all over the model's neck and chest to achieve the sheen on the neck. I am really happy with how this turned out and I will definitely use products to make the skin on the models' faces and bodies look the same to give a professional and complete look. I felt like the model looked slightly too serious in the previous image so I asked my model to subtly smile to give a brighter and happier look to the image. I didn't want my model to look very sultry because I didn't feel like it reflected the bright and colourful collection. Another change I made in this image from the last was I added a cream highlight to the brow bone, however it wasn't necessary in this case because the light didn't catch her there. I am still happy I chose to highlight that area because it would reflect light if the model was walking down the catwalk, finishing the dewy look off. I edited the skin slightly more than in the last image to make the model's skin look very perfected; this is because Mac like their models to look very flawless and almost doll-like, so I wanted to reflect this in my catwalk image. I also edited out her fly aways on her forehead to make her hair line look smoother and cleaner. 

Overall I am so happy with how the image looks and I think the changes I made from the last one really improved the image!

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